Thursday, February 23, 2006

a web site to help with organizing your everyday tasks. This is the version for individuals. For large groups on a project, you can use their other web site,

from the web site:

Make a page out of an idea

Backpack makes it easy to flesh out your ideas. Start with a a title: "My trip to Paris" or "Furniture I eventually want to buy" or "Things I want to do this summer" or "My favorite quotes" or "Ideas for the bathroom renovation" or "People we need to interview for the job".

Then add free-form text, to-dos, notes, photos, files

After you've created a page, you can add a to-do list, or notes, or photos, or attach files, and more. You can even send an email to the page and it will automatically be posted to the page.

Share pages with other people

Want to collaborate with someone? With 10 people? No problem. Create a page and share it with your friends or co-workers. Get things done together on your own private shared web page. You can also publish pages for anyone in the world to see.

Set email and mobile phone reminders so you don't forget

Tell Backpack to remind you about something tomorrow morning, or next Monday, or in a couple of weeks, or at an exact time. Backpack will send you (or even your cell phone) an email so you don't forget.