Monday, November 07, 2005

Useful SitePoint articles

Do you Need a Virtual Private Server?
A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a simulation of hardware by a host operating system that allows another operating system to run on it. What that means for Web developers is that a Web hosting company can host multiple "Virtual" servers on one physical, or "host", server.

Take Command with AJAX
Do you want to build more dynamic, responsive, desktop-like Web applications like Gmail and Google Maps? Then this article is for you. It guides you through the AJAX [1] basics and through the process of building a simple AJAX application. That application is named WebConsole and, in essence, it's a browser interface for executing system commands for which you'd usually need shell access.

Make Money From Your Content SiteIf you're a Webmaster whose site receives even a modest amount of traffic, you've no doubt dreamed of the untold riches that lie untapped in your traffic stream. The burning question is: "How can I make the most money possible from my Website traffic?" This article will help you answer that question, as we explore several of the most common and profitable methods that are currently being employed to convert page views into dollars...

Successful Web Development Methodologies
Commercial Web development has been around for more than 10 years. As an industry, this one's still fairly young when you consider others that have been around for centuries. But relative youth as an industry is no excuse for not doing better.

Build an eCommerce Website with eZ publish
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for creating a custom ecommerce site with online credit card processing functionality, using eZ publish.

The Search Engine Marketing Kit - Chapter 1
Every day, millions of people turn to their computers and look for information on the Web. And, more often than not, they use a search engine to find that information. It's estimated that more than 350 million English language Web searches are conducted every day!