Printing a Book with CSS
I use this blog to collect useful links and articles that I find interesting. Please note: this site's content is only for my own use. I occasionally save other people's writing, not to commit plagiarism, but rather to save an article for my own reference. Whenever possible, I give credit to the author and provide a link to the original site..
Google is now offering a new glimpse at exactly how their spider views your Website.
Try this:
1. Login to your Google account (AdWords, Gmail or Analytics)
2. Enter your Website URL at the bottom of this page.
3. Verify your Website by creating a uniquely-named, but empty HTML file and uploading it to your server. Click on the “verify” link to view instructions on how to do this. More info about verifying your site.
4. Click the “View stats” link
So what exactly can you find out?
This is an awesome troubleshooting tool for all Webmasters, and something that hopefully the other search engines will copy soon.
Presentation Zen – Presentation Zen contains a wealth of information on creating professional presentations. Two of their articles which recently caught my eye are Gates, Jobs, & the Zen aesthetic and Living large: “Takahashi Method” uses king-sized text as a visual. I would highly recommend subscribing to this blog.
Powerful Pointers for Presenters – A great list of articles and sites related to improving presentations.
Beyond Bullets – People Communicating with People – Beyond Bullets talks a lot on how we can use PowerPoint to be more than bland bullet point presentations.
Really Bad Powerpoint – This pdf by Seth Godin talks about Powerpoint mistakes and how to fix them.
Garr Reynolds – Garr Reynolds, the man behind Presentation Zen also has a personal website Including tips on organization, presentation, and slide creation. There are also some great sample presentations you might want to check out.
The “Change Up” in Lectures – Don’t worry, you’re not the only person dying of boredom in those long lectures. This article is a little dated but does a great job of explaining why our attention span is so short and how lecturers can liven up a presentation.
A former student asked me a few days ago how I learned Ruby on Rails. The answer was that I simply read alot of great tutorials. So in the spirit of sharing, here are the 12 tutorials that I found most useful:
Happy Rails developing and if you have any other tutorials that you’d like to share, please leave them in the comments!
We offer the Web's largest source of key information about doing business on the Net -- with over 2,200 pages and 15,000 of links to resources on e-commerce and Web marketing. This is such a large site that we offer you a site introduction tailored to your needs.
We'll begin with the assumption that your site is brand new and that you haven't done any website promotion work yet. However, that doesn't mean that you can't use the tutorial if you have submitted to a few search engines or registered your site with a couple of directories. If you notice that there are some things you have already done, feel free to simply skip over them.
Promoting your site takes a lot of time and may involve waiting several weeks or even months to get into certain directories and search engines. Thus, it might be wise to bookmark this page so that you can return to it later and continue the tutorial from where you left off.
You should start your website promotion efforts by listing your site at the most popular Internet directories. Because they can send you substantial amounts of traffic and affect your ranking in various search engines, it is wise to make sure that your site is present in all of the major directories before doing anything else.
Submitting to directories is easy and doesn't require much effort. It's ensuring that your submission will be accepted that makes this task a hard one.
Start with the Open Directory Project. While your site has to offer good, unique content to be accepted to the ODP, its editors usually review sites quickly and won't reject them without a good reason for doing so. This, along with the fact that submitting to the ODP is free of charge, makes it a perfect starting point. Completing this step successfully will also provide you with experience that will prove to be very valuable later on.
After securing a listing at ODP, your next task is to get the folks at Yahoo to notice that your site exists and is worth a place in their directory. This might cost you a fair amount of money if you are running a commercial site, but is usually worth it. Non-commercial sites can get in for free, but might require several submissions and a lot of patience before they are accepted.
You're done with ODP and Yahoo, so it is time to move on. Looksmart is the third of the big website directories and is also the final target of our submission campaign. A good listing in it can send a lot of visitors your way, but obtaining one sometimes requires you to open your wallet a bit.
Now that your site has been included in ODP, Yahoo and Looksmart, you should already be receiving clearly more traffic than before. The next task is to get to know search engines and use them to bring even more people to your pages. Because you have completed phase one, you have established a good foundation for making your site perform well in the search engines.
Before you even submit to search engines, learn the basics of their algorithms (ranking systems) and adjust your pages to meet their criteria as well as possible. This will take some time and effort, but doing some work now will save you from a lot of trouble in the future.
Your site is now adequately prepared to be submitted into search engines. But if you want to widen your knowledge about them and increase your chances of success, you still have some work to do. On the other hand, if you're totally exhausted and just want to get this thing over with, you'll be delighted to know that this step isn't absolutely necessary.
Finally, the time has come to start the process of submitting to search engines. Before you begin, you will need to know where to submit, how to submit and what to submit. Registering your pages with all the major search engines is going to take some time, but these days you simply can't sit around and wait for them to find your site on their own.
After being accepted into the largest directories and having pages of your site come up in answer to searches done at the major search engines, the long hours that you've spent on website promotion have begun to pay off and your daily visitor count is starting to look good. But there is still plenty you can do to help your site attract even more traffic.
In phase three, we'll examine different promotion methods that you might want to try. However, in order to prevent you from wasting your time on things that don't work, we'll also go over a few techniques that have proven to be less than spectacular when I experimented with them.
First, let's take a look at the good stuff. The articles introduced in this step are about the website promotion methods that are at least partially effective. Some of them work better than others, but if used correctly, all of them can produce results that will be worth your while. Of course, most of the articles include advice on what you need to do to obtain the best possible results with the method discussed.
As said, everything just doesn't always work the way it should in the world of promotion. In step two, our attention is focused on website promotion methods that are more trouble than they are worth. They might not be entirely useless, but your time would be better spent on improving your site or spreading the word about your site in other ways.
Congratulate yourself for being persistent, bright and hard-working. Most get frustrated and quit before this point, which is why most sites never become anything. After all, the secret to having a successful site is working hard in both promoting and creating it. You just might have what it takes.
After going through those three phases, you've read just about everything this site has to offer. While there is more to website promotion than what we have discussed here, you now know quite a lot about the subject. If you still desire more information, don't forget to come back to this site every now and then. This tutorial is always incomplete, because I continuously notice things that I want to write about.
I hope that A Promotion Guide has been able to help you to make your site more popular and thus given you the chance to spread your ideas and thoughts to a larger audience. And remember, if you have achieved good results, it's not because I showed you how to do it - it's because you did it.
This is a pure CSS image switcher that is lightweight and standards-compliant. It could be used for a gallery or any similar function. Any number of list selection options can be used so long as the width can accommodate them.
The CSS does not utilize any hacks, as this page uses Dean Edwards' IE7 JavaScript.
This css widget functions in Mac/Win Firefox, Mac/Win Opera 8, IE6, Netscape 7 & Safari (and perhaps others). It is easily adaptable for different uses simply by modifying the various widths, heights, and margins. View source for CSS and XHTML. Please feel free to use and adapt to your own needs.